Monday, February 05, 2007

...all the way into the year 2000

you see, i don't know if you've realized this, but i'm going to graduate. i am going to accomplish something that was always the future goal, the objective that i could never really look past because, well, it just seemed to far in the future.

so now what? am i going to follow what my degree dictates and get a job in media, or am i going to be like oh so many wacky graduates that go into something completely unrelated to their field of study? my brother (rtf)- grass roots campaigning, my aunt (business)- photography, tim (aerospace engineering)- video games...i suppose that's the interesting thing about life- you never know what you're going to fall into. i was reading an acquaintance's facebook profile and saw that her goal was to work with "music and/or photography and/or dogs" and thought that was one of the cooler life plans i've heard. i think i'm going to start researching kickass digital SLRs and get one in some way or another.

my lofty goals: be affluent enough to travel and eat out at snooty restaurants if i so choose, own audio editing software, pick up where i left off and take guitar lessons, take extended learning classes pertaining to photoshop and other fun software packages, and own a dog and have a large enough backyard for it to frolic in. i think that about covers it for the most part. ah yes, get a job that i love, or at least with people i love. i think all of the above is doable over time. but who knows? i might change my mind and find myself in a situation i never envisioned, such as residing in south america- at the mansion of my brother and the rich, rich girl that he somehow tricked into marrying him. i like that scenario. even better is a get rich quick scheme that i have yet to hatch. but i know it's in there, lurking in the recesses of my mind.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I succeed, my dear sister, know that you are welcome at Finca Hungry White Boy -- nestled in the beautiful mountains surrounding Bogotá -- any day.

Just bring me some damn tacos!

3:03 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

So, am I allowed at Finca Hungry White Boy? Because if you're bringing the tacos, sweet lizzy, then that means I dont have to :)
I honestly can't believe we are almost done. Last semester. No more school (well, until med school)

What the hell are we supposed to do now? Where am I supposed to meet my prince charming now? med school? ha. who wants to be married to a cocky doctor?! oh wait... crap.

ps- you and your brother make my life better. I'm so glad that I met you oh so long ago.

8:51 PM  

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