Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Adventures of SuperLiz

She's well known for her laser eyes and power of flight, but her penchant for partying and ability to conjure beer at a moment's notice is a little known fact.

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after delivering a baby and solving three crimes with the help of her plucky cape and sharp wit, SuperLiz attended the pirates vs. ninjas party.

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the above characters were present...ninjas, pirates, space pirates, corporate pirates, and a british seaman tossed in. ah yes, and a bumble bee. just because.

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also attending was a woman with a minnesota accent who held on to her thermos with zeal...the partygoers somehow doubted that the thermos contained coffee.

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shenanigans ensued, including the corporate insurance pirate attempting the vulcan death grip upon the hapless minnesotan.

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SuperLiz got her mac on with recently deceased steve irwin, and with the aid of her x-ray vision decided he was a more than adequate boy to pursue.

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but shock! conflict! a ninja welding beer and malice threatened dear ol' steve!

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SuperLiz quickly vanquished the foe, and even he had to admit it was a pretty kick-ass display of hissiing and biting.

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Ah yes, and for old times sake...

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Blogger Michelle said...

Wow. I miss those times. That last pic... that's a classic.


7:41 PM  
Blogger Deseree Eve said...


Wow, I swear I looked at these pics probably 2 or 3 times before I noticed the last one. *sigh* Damn Detente! I will never live down that picture because of freaking Detente.

8:19 PM  

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