Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Poor Napoleon

a very witty and intellectual post at a later date, but for now:

when confronted with a large, jumping spider landing unexpectedly on my coursepacket, i find that i do not scream like a girl, but like a man...or a very irritated wookie. which is worse?

i leave you with this...kittens! the comic. created by an angry punk rocker/web cartoonist. it's a kitten....chewing a daisy. it boggles the mind...with fuzzy cuteness!

oh, and one last thing. i should find some sort of use for that seventeen foot ladder sitting out on my balcony. any suggestions?

Monday, September 18, 2006

a terrible beauty is born

Well, my hopes for a productive semester have merrily tap-danced their way out of Xanadu. Tim modded Steph's x-box, and with it comes all the evils of wasting time. the possibilities are endless...i'm pretty sure that we could easily take over the world with the x-box, lots o' pluck, and a toilet paper roll (i've been researching online). ah well- i wasn't going to do anything that important this semester anyway...preparing for a career? puh! why do that when i can scroll through eight hundred nintendo games?

i've decided that i need several quick and easy snack foods, as the effort of throwing something into the oven lately is beyond me. maybe i can just set up a mini-fridge full of string cheese next to my desk...i think the real problem is that for the past two weeks, i've completely lacked any appetite whatsoever- which is extremely abnormal for me. usually it's all i can do not to absentmindedly eat all the contents of the fridge (including that jar of unidentified, pickled objects). even when i'm severly depressed, i can eat a can of pringles pretty easily. maybe i'm just pining for sweet czech fare- potatoes and something resembling gulash. mm gulash. who knows. but i can feel my stomach literally devouring itself and i'm having a hard time caring about it. maybe i should just ingest more calories from beer. that could be part of it- the lack of beer intake i've had lately compared to the czech republic might have my body in an uproar. maybe i can wean it off with a mixture of jack daniels and slim-fast....

enough of my dietary woes. and ellipses. i need to get back to reading the exciting page turner that is "Revolution at the Table: the transformation of the american diet." At least my american food class makes me hungry...but mainly for flesh.

we-ell i'd like to keep in the vain of posting something visual, so i'll go ahead and post a few of my SLR stills as i bothered to scan and upload them, but will probably never use them for anything other than resume padding. so here's some of my favorite people, captured in that wacky semester in which i was scrambling to fulfill photoj requirements.

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Kenny, the prodigal son.

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a somewhat skeptical dez- she was worried the camera would steal her soul.

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happy came out too dark due to lack of experience...and incompetence ;p sorry about that! ;]

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kellogg gets sassy for halloween.

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Jen being her usual self. :)

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I had to include the original. my "self-portrait"- though the photographer was angela.

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random girl with a puppy. warms the cockles of your cold heart ;)

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Science has been cancelled

i know it's a tired argument, but i'm extremely sick of SUVs. especially the ones that find it appropriate to rev their engines at stoplights. and i'm also sick of cyclists breaking traffic rules because they think they're somehow above it. the other day as a guy in dreadlocks with a backpack that most likely contained pot and hacky sacks continually ran every single light and took up two entire lanes on his bicycle, i found myself wondering how badly a bike could really damage my front bumper anyhow...

Of course this could be because i had spent an hour or so at my internship huffing paint and paint thinner so that the office could have some sweet posterboard-sized paint samples...what they said in the interview was true- there's quite a few diverse positions to fill at the station. I really do love it there- everyone's so nice, and there's always free cake or concert tickets sitting in the break room, up for grabs. and after crawling on the floor looking for CDs, there's no reward quite like cake. "You'll learn to love and hate certain labels," the internship coordinator, who was an intern there herself at one point, told me. "Man, i hate Phillips [which involves belly crawling on the floor in order to find the right number], but Marco Polo is eye-level. Pretty sweet." I nodded and knew that i would be sharing the same hatred and benevolent love towards CD labels within a few days. Eventually though, i'll get quick enough with intern duties and get involved with some small-scale production, which is nice.

I've been extremely lazy these past few weeks since i've gotten back, but soon, soon i'll start on that online portfolio and get all that up. just wait! ooh the soundscapes and features will boggle your mind.

nothing else to say, but here's a random comic that i grabbed somewhere. as the picture so handily indicates, it can be found at ah yes, and the milton is a shitbag link should be working now. if not, then it is the gods' way of telling you that you're doomed to never enjoy a talking cat. and don't give me any of that "garfield" crap- you know he doesn't count.

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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Viral Media

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i know. soon i'll be dressing the cat up in sailor suits and making him do re-enactments of Ghost, as seen here: Milton is a Shitbag

today we were having a rather grown up discussion in modern czech literature, and i was beginning to get depressed as it was mainly modernism this and communism that, but our professor didn't fail us in the end. he showed us a short slide show ( "karel capek could be mean", "karel capek singing", and my favorite, "karel capek had sensuous lips"). he ended it on a slide with a link titled "the germans invade the czech republic."

"here we can see the brutality of the german invasion...." and this followed.

he played the entire thing. i love modern czech literature.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Internet exhibitionist

I was inspired by all the lovely blogs springing up on blogger, and what can i say...i'm an exhibitionist. so it's either this or facebook, which recently has become so creepy i feel like a pervert every time i log on. I promise this will be entertaining, or i'll promptly delete it. Mainly i just want a place to share anecdotes and weird websites...which are always good.