you don't win friends with salad
some people have that guy at work, others have that baby with the unibrow; but the enemy that i confront everyday is humidity. and everyday i check with some foolish hopes that the air will be carrying less than 50% of it's sticky, hot, hair-frizzing/curling ways...but everytime, it's well over 50, and it's rather depressing. "should i bother to do my hair?" i wonder. and i picture my laptop sighing, "just...just don't bother."
despite the depressing amount of humidity and foreboding dark clouds, i did accomplish something today. i finally procured something known as "roughage."
you see, it's this colorful stuff, mostly green, that you can't find in a morningstar corn dog or at the bottom of a bag of doritos. apparently it's very good for you, and keeps you "regular"- whatever that means...but i went to the grocery store in hopes of finding such items, and was pleasantly surprised. i also invested in a economy size box of chip's ahoy. the dancing carrot (pictured above) assured me that they're high in fiber. then again, he could be a hallucination brought on by the various processed foods i've eaten over the years, including frosty-o's, the wacky breakfast cereal that keeps you shaking with joy and sugar all day!
ah, yes, and if by any chance you haven't already seen it, click this--> Myspace the Movie.
despite the depressing amount of humidity and foreboding dark clouds, i did accomplish something today. i finally procured something known as "roughage."

ah, yes, and if by any chance you haven't already seen it, click this--> Myspace the Movie.
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